

Friday, June 19, 2015

I'm Back

It's been a while since I've written here and it was a good break, but I'm at a point right now where I'm happy to be back. TJ is 5 months today and I stopped breastfeeding this past week so that we can start preparing for our next IVF round (whenever we decide that will be).  Stopping breastfeeding has brought back so many bad memories of having to dry up like I had to after delivering Nathan. I'd say that I've been pretty depressed this week. Everything reminds me of Nathan and makes me miss him. How can it possibly be that the last time we've seen our older son is over 20 months ago? I think the thought of having to go through another IVF round is depressing as well. I'm so over the infertility crap. I am very grateful for our two blessings so far, though. Ugh, the roller coaster.

Meanwhile, TJ is doing great! He's at such a fun age and I love all the time that I get to spend with him. I can't believe he's already 5 months old today. Sometimes I wish I could just freeze time with him at this age.

And a picture of Nathan because I could never, ever forget him...