We had our first OB appointment yesterday and it went great. It took the nurse about 2 minutes to find the heartbeat, but once I told her where to look, she found it easily. Just enough time to freak me out. It would be better if they just let me find the heartbeat at each appointment! Heart rate was 165 so baby's still doing good. Dr. Schutte wrote in my file that I don't have to see any other doctor, except her, which is a relief because they usually make you rotate, which isn't bad, but I really don't want to have an appointment with the doctor who made us run around the day that we lost Nathan. We also marked January 13th as the day that this baby will be delivered, which is 37 weeks exactly. She first mentioned 39 weeks, which I laughed at, and then she said ok, 37 weeks. She marked in her calendar that she can't be out of town in January due to this birth, which makes me feel so good about having her do our delivery again.
So, there will be a couple different changes with my care this pregnancy compared to Nathan's, which is to be expected. 1) Our scan at 20 weeks will be a Level 2 ultrasound and not just your basic anatomy scan. She said there's no reason for it, since Nathan's issue was his cord, but Nathan's death gives us an excuse to go ahead and do this one. 2) Starting at 28 or 32 weeks, I'll have two appointments a week. One will be an ultrasound and one will be a non-stress test. The more, the merrier.
5 months 20 days and 22 hours until the morning of January 13th.
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