21 weeks to go.
146 days to go.
I've had an exciting week this past week. On Friday, while I was still in DC for work, I woke up to some brown discharge. I hadn't packed my doppler so I walked the 2 blocks to GWU ER. They didn't quite understand why I was there for brown discharge, but once I told them about our history, they understood. Everything came back normal, no infections of any sort, and baby is doing perfect. They were measuring a week ahead (no surprise there) and the pelvic exam didn't show any blood of any sort and my cervix was nice and high and closed.
I've continued to have some of this brown discharge in varying amounts since Friday. On Monday, I was able to get into one of the doctors at my OB and again, they saw nothing out of the ordinary. Chris made the doctor repeat to me that I have nothing to worry about and that this pregnancy is going perfectly. They also sent me for an ultrasound just so they had it for their records. Again, baby measured a couple days ahead and my cervix is super long and my placenta is nowhere near my cervix, so again they're unsure why I'm having brown discharge, but everything looks perfect. My doppler has been really helpful this week in reassuring me that everything's ok, since I can easily find their heartbeat and it's pretty consistent, right around 150 bpm.
In other news, there was no question that this baby is definitely a BOY. I'm actually really glad we have the opportunity to have another son and we'll be able to get a better idea of what Nathan would have been like!
Pray that this brown discharge goes away and I don't go insane soon!
Yay for boys!