

Monday, March 10, 2014

5 Months

Baby Nate,

You are 5 months old today and your dad and I have been without our whole world for those same 5 months.  The ache your dad and I feel for you only continues to increase with time, it doesn't subside. According to the baby growth chart, you would be working on eating rice and other baby food, sitting up by yourself, and continuing to grow quickly. We wish we could experience that with you.  We wish we could grow with you, learning all the things that you were bound to teach us as parents.  You are still teaching us things, though.  You are teaching us what and who's important in life, the true purpose of life here on earth, and how to live without a large piece of our hearts.

What are you doing up in Heaven these days?  Playing with Stella? Running around with all of the other babies who were, unfairly, taken too soon? Watching the Reds and Pirates spring training games with your Great-Grandpa Don and Grandpa Tom? I hope they are behaving and letting you watch an equal amount of both.  You have the best view for those games, too.  I wish we could have a glimpse into your life up there.  We know you're in the best place imaginable, but it would be so reassuring to see it for ourselves.  In due time, I guess. 

Continue to grace us with your presence. Seeing a ladybug can turn our whole day around. When the water was shooting out of the basement wall on Saturday, your dad had plugged the hole with a towel.  He went outside to access the water meter in the front yard so that he could turn it off.  While he was doing that, I was putting buckets under the hole and carrying them upstairs and out the door to dump them out.  When I came back in and was wiping your dad's workbench off, a ladybug flew and landed on the towel that was plugging the hole.  Thanks, buddy.  I think you would have had a sarcastic personality, just like your dad and I.

Keep on soaring, little one.  We're one month closer to being reunited.

We love you so, so much.

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