

Monday, March 24, 2014

Officially Done Miscarrying!

So, I FINALLY stopped bleeding this past weekend.  What a relief that is.  I bled for over 2 weeks and hated every day equally.  It's hard to look forward to the next step in this process when you have the constant reminder of a miscarriage happening.  Last week was probably the worst week in a long time since Nathan passed and I'm glad last week is finally over.  It also helps having Chris home again!

We were in Pittsburgh again this weekend for a friend's wedding.  Leading up to the wedding, I kept going back and forth on whether I was looking forward to it or dreading it.  Sadly, that's how a lot of things are these days.  Sometimes it's hard to see people so happy while I secretly mourn.  The weekend turned out to be fantastic. I love that all of Chris's friends married (or will be marrying) such great girls that have become great friends as well.  A lot of people were interested in talking about Nathan, too, which always makes Chris and I feel better.  Maybe he won't be forgotten?  All in all, it was good to see everyone, I ate too much and drank too much, but everyone needs a weekend like that every once in a while.

I have officially started the countdown to when we can start our next cycle to try to give Nathan a little brother or sister.  I'm getting anxious and letting bad thoughts creep into my head about us not having a chance this upcoming time since we've had some sort of success with all our other tries.  I need to remember that every try is individual and doesn't have an impact on any other attempts. 

Love you baby Nate.

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