I just thought I'd update since I haven't been around much lately.
1. I've also been having some pain since the retrieval on Tuesday, but that is starting to subside, thank goodness. My ovaries were so tender that it was affecting me while sitting up, walking, and going to the bathroom.
2. The retrieval itself went extremely well. They must have upped the anesthesia because I was nauseous for the remainder of the day and slept a majority of the day. Anesthesia has always made me sick to my stomach, which made my c-section back in October really interesting.
3. I was totally shocked that 6 out of the 7 fertilized. I had the number 3 in my head just so I didn't end up disappointed. The nurse laughed at my reaction when she told me that 6 fertilized and were growing. I'm sure they get that a lot there. I am so THANKFUL that we have 6 embryos growing in the lab and I hope I am able to give an opportunity to as many of those embryos as possible, either now, or in a few years.
4. I am officially done with shots for this round and I couldn't be happier. The only thing that I have left is to take 2 pills a day until Monday (to make sure the uterus doesn't attack the embryo) and my progesterone suppository. The things I do to try to get pregnant.
5. I am praying my ass off for the 6 embryos. Seriously. I pray, go to bed, wake up to pee, pray, fall back asleep, wake up, pray, go back to sleep, wake up, pray, go to work, go to church during lunch, pray. I have never NEEDED something so bad in my life. Nathan's death left a void in our life and although a new baby or babies won't replace him, we'll be able to show our love to something here on earth and not just in Heaven.
6. My transfer is scheduled for tomorrow and I'm secretly (or not secretly) hoping that it gets moved back to Sunday for a 5 day transfer. Again, praying my ass off.
7. I am terrified and nervous about the remainder of the process. Any prayers that you can offer, we'd appreciate them.
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