

Friday, May 30, 2014


Well, I got the call back with my beta results at 11am this morning, which is the earliest they've ever called.  So, our RE likes to see a minimum of 100 of this day, I had a minimum of 450 in my head that I would be okay with if it was, in fact, positive.  My number is 1,163 so I am really pregnant! I have never been more relieved in my life. The doctor was so happy with my number that no further bloodwork is needed and I have my first ultrasound on June 17, when I'll be 7 weeks exactly!

I continue to pray to God and Nathan that we'll be able to meet this new blessing on or before their due date of February 3.

I am pregnant again, I really am.  4 weeks, 3 days pregnant to be exact, but who's counting?

God is good.

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