

Sunday, February 9, 2014

IVF Day 16 - Day 5 Embryo Transfer

We had a successful embryo transfer completed this morning. We now have two blastocysts on board and we pray that the cells keep dividing and they attach to the uterine lining in the next few days.  They recommended transferring only one due to my c section and previous "OB complications".  Well, I don't think I had OB complications. I think my son suffered a tragic accident and that up to that day, my pregnancy was a breeze with zero complications. I also had no issues with my c section and have recovered wonderfully.  With no guarantee that our other embryos would make it to freeze, we decided to transfer the two strong ones. I would have hated to transfer just one and not have the other make it to freeze. We told Dr. B that and he was happy to go along with our decision.  Here are the two babes.

We also received the Petri dish that held these two embryos. Below is side-by-side with Nate's. 😇

Keep us in your prayers the next couple weeks. I may drive Chris insane!

1 comment:

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