

Tuesday, November 18, 2014

29 Weeks Pregnant

8 weeks left.
56 days left.

We're getting there...

I got the results from my glucose test from last week and I passed that, which didn't come as a surprise to me.  With the holidays coming up, this made me happy so that I didn't have to completely restrict my holiday intake of food. I got my tdap shot on Thursday and got news that I didn't need another rhogam shot so I am good to go for the remainder of this pregnancy.  I also scheduled my csection for 7:30am on January 13.  I'm glad that my doctor was able to accommodate that date and I'm even happier that it's first thing in the morning.

I had a good weekend with Chris.  He travels so much for work now that I really appreciate our weekends together now.  On Friday, we went out to dinner and then went down to the Aronoff to see Once.  I absolutely loved it. On Saturday, we were successful in furniture shopping for new end tables and lamps for our family room and those get delivered the weekend following Thanksgiving. Finally, on Sunday we were able to just clean up around the house and went through all of Nathan's decorations for the year.  That boy has some serious decorations for the upcoming holidays.  We went to the cemetery and put up his Thanksgiving decorations and I went through his Christmas stuff to make sure it was not broken and we could still use it this year.

The only other thing that is going on is a lot of work.  I am so busy at work trying to meet some tight deadlines and getting financing closed and construction contracts signed before the end of the year on different projects that I am actually doing some work in the evenings and on the weekends.

Love you, Nathan.

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