

Monday, April 28, 2014


Most days, it's hard for me to admit that Chris and I are blessed.  How can you be blessed when you're battling infertility and grieving a child? It's days like yesterday that remind us that, even though this isn't exactly what we had planned, we're still very blessed. We both have great jobs, have a roof over our heads, and have great family and friends.  Yesterday, most of our friends and family in Cincinnati came out to the March for Babies for March of Dimes and walked in memory of Nate. It was a reminder to us that we wouldn't have survived all of this without them. Yes, a lot of days still are hard for us, but knowing that others care and still remember Nathan is important for us to be reminded of occasionally.  This is one of the loneliest journeys we've ever been on since there are not many who understand the pain and hurt when you lose your own child. Thanks to all who came out yesterday.  You'll never know how much it meant to us.

I had an appointment with Dr. S on Friday to see if the birth control pills are doing their job and keeping my ovaries quiet.  Dr. S was very happy with what he saw.  Both ovaries were quiet and there were several follicles on each ovary so he was optimistic for this upcoming cycle.  My last day of birth control is today (!!!) and I start with my shots on Friday.  We have a tentative retrieval date of May 12. That is 14 days from now, but who's counting?

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